Crimson desert online rbf seal
Crimson desert online rbf seal

crimson desert online rbf seal

In regards to the abusing of certain RBF locations, I'm not referring to the top of the center building, or the metal cages range classes can cast on, but rather the areas near the spawn of each team that give an "unfair advantage" to the range classes that occupy it because it's nearly impossible to re-gain when an extremely geared individual mounts this spot. We're given the same location for every RBF, and it doesn't encourage participating because of the same dull grey buildings and, which I'll address below, it allows for the same unique spots in RBF to be manipulated.

crimson desert online rbf seal

While this is more of a rare occurrence, and it occurs outside of RBF just like the Emergency Escape issue above, when you're being rushed by an opposing group and a split second can be of the utmost importance, having our weapons re-holstered because of a knockdown is beyond frustrating. Weapons being re-holstered after knockdowns.

crimson desert online rbf seal

While I'm not sure if it's intended to put your weapons away afterwards, which I'd oppose extremely, this needs to be addressed. While all PvP players enjoy the use of V, the issue of our weapons some times being put away after the usage of this ability has remained consistent. While DCs and freezing can always occur anyways, a "grace system" that allows you to re-join for a set amount of minutes after losing your connection to the game would certainly do wonders, along with fixing this glitch.Įmergency Escape. I've watched a hefty amount of BDO streamers experience this in RBF (I've also experienced this personally) and a majority of the time you can't connect back in the RBF because it's either full, or the time left is below 10 minutes. While apparently this is only for steam users (if anyone can clarify as I haven't seen much info regarding it), the issue of BDO freezing and disconnecting you after clicking revive is simply put: stupid. One team may end with thousands of points behind the other because the RBF system decided that placing 35 people on Red Desert while placing 20 people on Black Desert is optimal, and this clearly isn't the case. I've personally witnessed, and experienced on multiple occasions, RBFs where the teams were extremely lopsided. Now, this balance algorithm normally places individuals in a certain team based on the quantity of players in each team at that moment, and some games even move players (CS:GO). In a typical matchmaking scenario, the teams are normally balanced. I've had half my health taken away before, and if you're having to deal with enemies below your spawn, this can easily result in an instant death. As we leave the spawn area, if we don't use an ability we experience a falling animation and shortly after a chunk of our health is removed. Considering friendly-collision's enabled, we frequently get stuck in the spawn location and we either receive a falling animation for a few seconds, or we can't move unless we use some ability that requires stamina or an actual skill. When death finds you in RBF, you're spawned in a pinpoint location in the starting RBF area. I'll first list a few of the issues with RBF physically that if fixed I'm sure the PvP community would greatly appreciate: As a PvP player primarily, when I discovered the Red BattleField option, it brought back my Battleground days on WoW and I do seriously enjoy it, but the issues I have, and I'm sure many others can concur, not only discourage many players from participating but these same issues also dissolve the actual "team aspect" RBF is suppose to encompass. As a WoW player who ventured away last year and sought a new MMO with quality PvP/PvE that wasn't tab-target, I quickly became infatuated with BDO and obviously I'm still here, so I've enjoyed it hitherto.

Crimson desert online rbf seal